A simple introduction to the cornerstone of the classical Theravada commentaries.
The Visuddhimagga, translated as “Path to Purification”, is an extensive commentary on the fundamental aspects of Buddhist practise and theory as understood within the classical Theravada commentarial system. It was assembled, edited, and translated by Bhante Buddhaghosa in the 5th century. This course avoids the extremes of the fundamentalists, who assumes the text is an infallible and perfect record of the Buddha’s teachings, and sceptics, who dismiss the entire project as a mass of fallacy at best, and a malicious conspiracy at worst. The text is looked at as a product of history and assessed both for its intrinsic merits as well as its role in Buddhism ancient and modern.
The course covers four weeks. It assumes no prior knowledge of the Visuddhimagga, but a reasonable familiarity with the Suttas. It is recommended to get hold of a printed copy of Ven Nyanamoli’s translation.
The first lessons will be released on the Vesak day of 2020 (7th May) followed by a live discussion with Bhante Sujato on each Sunday, 9:00-9:40AM AEST. Details to be posted shortly. Enrol now to be informed.
A project in collaboration with